from utilities.ur import units
from materials.material import Material
[docs]class ConvectiveModel(object):
This class defines the model for convective heat transfer coefficient: h
def __init__(self,
Initializes the DensityModel object.
:param h0: convective heat transfer coefficient when it's a constant
:type h0: double
:param mat: material of the fluid
:type mat: Material object
:param m_flow: mass flow rate
:type m_flow: double
:param a_flow: flow cross section surface area
:type a_flow: double
:param length_scale: heat transfer length scale
:type length_scale: double
:param model: The keyword for a model type, implemented types are
'constant' and 'wakao'
:type model: string
self.h0 = h0
self.k = mat.k
self.cp = mat.cp =
self.m_flow = m_flow
self.a_flow = a_flow
self.length_scale = length_scale
self.implemented = {'constant': self.constant,
'wakao': self.wakao}
if model in self.implemented.keys():
self.model = model
self.model = NotImplemented
msg = "Convective heat transfer model type "
msg += model
msg += " is not an implemented convective model. Options are:"
for m in self.implemented.keys():
msg += m
raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def h(self, rho=0***3, mu=0*units.pascal*units.second):
Returns the convective heat transfer coefficient
:param rho: The density of the object
:type rho: float
:param mu: The dynamic viscosity of the object
:type mu: float
return self.implemented[self.model](**3),*units.second))
[docs] def constant(self, rho, mu):
Returns a constant heat transfer coefficient: h0
:param rho: The density of the object
:type rho: float
:param mu: The dynamic viscosity of the object
:type mu: float
return self.h0
[docs] def wakao(self, rho, mu):
This function implements the Wakao correlation for convective heat
transfer coefficient
:param rho: The density of the object
:type rho: float
:param mu: The dynamic viscosity of the object
:type mu: float
u = self.m_flow/self.a_flow/rho
Re = rho * self.length_scale * u /
Pr = self.cp * / self.k
Nu = 2 + 1.1 * Pr.magnitude ** (1/3.0)*Re.magnitude**0.6
ret = Nu * self.k/self.length_scale
return ret