Source code for pyrk.driver

#! /usr/bin/env python

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This is an example driver for the simulation. It should soon be refactored to
result in an input file, an input parser, a solver interface, and output

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import ode
import importlib
import argparse
from db import database
from utilities import logger
from utilities.logger import pyrklog
from inp import sim_info
from utilities.ur import units
import os

[docs]def update_n(t, y_n, si): """This function updates the neutronics block. :param t: the time [s] at which the update is occuring. :type t: float. :param y_n: The array that solves the neutronics block at time t :type y_n: np.ndarray. """ t_idx = si.timer.t_idx(t*units.seconds) n_n = len(y_n) si.y[t_idx][:n_n] = y_n
[docs]def update_th(t, y_n, y_th, si): """This function updates the thermal hydraulics block. :param t: the time [s] at which the update is occuring. :type t: float. :param y_th: The array that solves thermal hydraulics block at time t :type y_th: np.ndarray. """ t_idx = si.timer.t_idx(t*units.seconds) for idx, comp in enumerate(si.components): comp.update_temp(t_idx, y_th[idx]*units.kelvin) n_n = len(y_n) si.y[t_idx][n_n:] = y_th
[docs]def f_n(t, y, si): """Returns the neutronics block solution at time t :param t: the time [s] at which the update is occuring. :type t: float. :param y: solution vector :type y: np.ndarray """ n_n = 1 + si.n_pg + si.n_dg if len(y) < n_n: msg = 'equation numbers %d ' % len(y) msg += 'should be at least the number of neutronics equations %d' % n_n raise ValueError(msg) end_pg = 1 + si.n_pg f = np.zeros(shape=(n_n,), dtype=float) i = 0 f[i] =, si.components, y[0], y[1:end_pg]) for j in range(0, si.n_pg): i += 1 f[i] =, y[0], y[i], j) assert(i == end_pg-1) for k in range(0, si.n_dg): i += 1 f[i] =[0], y[i], k) return f
[docs]def f_th(t, y_th, si): """Returns the thermal hydraulics solution at time t :param t: the time [s] at which the update is occuring. :type t: float. :param y: the solution vector :type y: np.ndarray :param si: the simulation info object :type si: SimInfo """ t_idx = si.timer.t_idx(t*units.seconds) f = units.Quantity(np.zeros(shape=(si.n_components(),), dtype=float), 'kelvin / second') power = si.y[t_idx][0] o_i = 1+si.n_pg o_f = 1+si.n_pg + si.n_dg omegas = si.y[t_idx][o_i:o_f] for idx, comp in enumerate(si.components): f[idx] =, power=power, omegas=omegas, t_idx=t_idx) return f
[docs]def y0(si): """The initial conditions for y :param si: the simulation info object :type si: SimInfo """ i = 0 end_pg = 1 + si.n_pg end_dg = 1 + si.n_pg + si.n_dg f = np.zeros(shape=(si.n_entries(),), dtype=float) f[i] = 1.0 # power is normalized is 1 for j in range(0, si.n_pg): i += 1 f[i] = f[0] * \[j]/([j]* assert(i == end_pg-1) for k in range(0, si.n_dg): i += 1 f[i] = 0 assert(i == end_dg - 1) for idx, comp in enumerate(si.components): f[i+idx+1] = comp.T0.magnitude assert len(f) == si.n_entries() si.y[0] = f return f
[docs]def y0_n(si): """Initial conditions for y_n, the neutronics sub-block of y :param si: the simulation info object :type si: SimInfo """ idx = si.n_pg + si.n_dg + 1 y = y0(si)[:idx] return y
[docs]def y0_th(si): """Initial conditions for y_th, the thermal hydraulics sub-block of y :param si: the simulation info object :type si: SimInfo """ thidx = si.n_pg + si.n_dg + 1 y = y0(si)[thidx:] return y
[docs]def solve(si, y, infile): """Conducts the solution step, based on the dopri5 integrator in scipy :param si: the simulation info object :type si: SimInfo :param y: the solution vector :type y: np.ndarray :param infile: the imported infile module :type infile: imported module """ n = ode(f_n).set_integrator('dopri5') n.set_initial_value(y0_n(si), si.timer. t0.magnitude) n.set_f_params(si) th = ode(f_th).set_integrator('dopri5', nsteps=infile.nsteps) th.set_initial_value(y0_th(si), si.timer.t0.magnitude) th.set_f_params(si) while (n.successful() and n.t < and th.t < si.timer.advance_one_timestep() si.db.record_all() n.integrate(si.timer.current_time().magnitude) update_n(n.t, n.y, si) th.integrate(si.timer.current_time().magnitude) update_th(th.t, n.y, th.y, si) return si.y
[docs]def log_results(si):"\nReactivity : \n"+str("\nFinal Result : \n"+np.array_str(si.y)) for comp in si.components:"\n" + + ":\n" + np.array_str(comp.T.magnitude))"\nPrecursor lambdas: \n"+str("\nDelayed neutron frac: \n"+str("\nPrecursor betas: \n"+str("\nDecay kappas: \n"+str("\nDecay lambdas: \n"+str(
[docs]def load_infile(infile_path): """Loads the input file as a python package import based on the path :param infile_path: path to the infile :type infile_path: string """ import os.path import sys file_dir = os.path.dirname(infile_path) sys.path.append(file_dir) file_name = os.path.basename(infile_path).rstrip('.py') infile = importlib.import_module(file_name) return infile
[docs]def main(args, curr_dir): np.set_printoptions(precision=5, threshold=np.inf) logger.set_up_pyrklog(args.logfile) infile = load_infile(args.infile) out_db = database.Database(filepath=args.outfile) if not hasattr(infile, 'n_ref'): n_ref = 0 else: n_ref = infile.n_ref si = sim_info.SimInfo(timer=infile.ti, components=infile.components, iso=infile.fission_iso, e=infile.spectrum, n_precursors=infile.n_pg, n_decay=infile.n_dg, n_fic=n_ref, kappa=infile.kappa,, rho_ext=infile.rho_ext, plotdir=args.plotdir, infile=args.infile, db=out_db) # TODO: think about weather to add n_ref to all input files, or put n_ref in # database files print_logo(curr_dir) sol = solve(si=si, y=si.y, infile=infile) log_results(si) out_db.close_db() pyrklog.critical("\nSimulation succeeded.\n")
"""Run it as a script""" if __name__ == "__main__": curr_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PyRK parameters') ap.add_argument('--infile', help='the name of the input file', default='input') ap.add_argument('--logfile', help='the name of the log file', default='pyrk.log') ap.add_argument( '--plotdir', help='the name of the directory of output plots', default='images') ap.add_argument('--outfile', help='the name of the output database', default='pyrk.h5') args = ap.parse_args() main(args, curr_dir)