Source code for pyrk.neutronics

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD-style license
import numpy as np
from inp import validation as v

from data import precursors as pr
from data import decay_heat as dh
from reactivity_insertion import ReactivityInsertion
from timer import Timer

[docs]class Neutronics(object): """This class handles calculations and data related to the neutronics subblock """ def __init__(self, iso="u235", e="thermal", n_precursors=6, n_decay=11, n_fic=0, timer=Timer(), rho_ext=None, feedback=False): """ Creates a Neutronics object that holds the neutronics simulation information. :param iso: The fissioning isotope. 'u235' or 'pu239' are supported. :type iso: str. :param e: The energy spectrum 'thermal' or 'fast' are supported. :type e: str. :param n_precursors: Number of neutron precursor groups. 6 is supported :type n_precursors: int. :param n_decay: The number of decay heat groups. 11 is supported. :type n_decay: int. :param n_fic: number of fictitious neutron groups for 'two-point' point kinetics :type n_fic: int :param rho_ext: External reactivity, a function of time :type rho_ext: function :returns: A Neutronics object that holds neutronics simulation info """ self._iso = v.validate_supported("iso", iso, ['u235', 'pu239', 'sfr', 'fhr']) """_iso (str): Fissioning isotope. 'u235', 'pu239', or 'sfr', "fhr" are supported.""" self._e = v.validate_supported("e", e, ['thermal', 'fast', 'multipt']) """_e (str): Energy spectrum 'thermal' or 'fast' are supported.""" self._npg = v.validate_supported("n_precursors", n_precursors, [6, 8, 0]) """_npg (int): Number of neutron precursor groups. 6 is supported.""" self._ndg = v.validate_supported("n_decay", n_decay, [11, 0]) """_ndg (int): Number of decay heat groups. 11 is supported.""" self._nfic = n_fic self._pd = pr.PrecursorData(iso, e, n_precursors) """_pd (PrecursorData): A data.precursors.PrecursorData object""" self._dd = dh.DecayData(iso, e, n_decay) """_dd (DecayData): A data.decay_heat.DecayData object""" self._timer = timer """_timer: the time instance object""" self._rho = np.zeros(self._timer.timesteps()) """_rho (ndarray): An array of reactivity values for each timestep.""" self._rho_ext = self.init_rho_ext(rho_ext).reactivity """_rho_ext (ReactivityInsertion): Reactivity function from the reactivity insertion model""" = feedback """feedback (bool): False if no reactivity feedbacks, true otherwise"""
[docs] def init_rho_ext(self, rho_ext): if rho_ext is None: rho_ext = ReactivityInsertion(self._timer) return rho_ext
[docs] def dpdt(self, t_idx, components, power, zetas): """Calculates the power term. The first in the neutronics block. :param t_idx: the time step index :type t_idx: int :param components: the THComponents making up this reactor :type components: list of THComponent objects :param power: the current reactor power in Watts (timestep t-1 ?) :type power: float. :param zetas: the current delayed neutron precursor populations, zeta_i :type zetas: np.ndarray. """ rho = self.reactivity(t_idx, components) beta = self._pd.beta() lams = self._pd.lambdas() Lambda = self._pd.Lambda() precursors = 0 for j in range(0, len(lams)): assert len(lams) == len(zetas) precursors += lams[j]*zetas[j] dp = power*(rho - beta)/Lambda + precursors return dp
[docs] def dzetadt(self, t, power, zeta, j): """ Calculates the change in zeta over time at t for j :param t: time :type t: float, units of seconds :param power: the reactor power at this timestep :type power: float, in units of watts :param zeta: $\zeta_j$, the concentration for precursor group j :type zeta: float :param j: the precursor group index :type j: int """ Lambda = self._pd._Lambda lambda_j = self._pd.lambdas()[j] beta_j = self._pd.betas()[j] return beta_j*power/Lambda - lambda_j*zeta
[docs] def dwdt(self, power, omega, k): """Returns the change in decay heat for $\omega_k$ at a certain power :param power: the reactor power at this timestep :type power: float, in units of watts :param omega: $\omega_k$ for fission product decay heat group k :type omega: float, in units of watts #TODO check :param k: the fission product decay heat group index :type k: int """ kappa = self._dd.kappas()[k] p = power lam = self._dd.lambdas()[k] return kappa*p-lam*omega
[docs] def reactivity(self, t_idx, components): """Returns the reactivity, in $\Delta k$, at time t :param t_idx: time step that reactivity is calculated :type t_idx: int, index :param t_idx_feedback: time step that temperature feedback starts :type t_idx_feedback: int, index :param components: thermal hydraulic component objects :type components: list of THComponent and/or THSuperComponent objects """ rho = {} if and t_idx > self._timer.t_idx_feedback: for component in components: rho[] = component.temp_reactivity(t_idx) rho["external"] = self._rho_ext(t_idx=t_idx).to('delta_k') to_ret = sum(rho.values()).magnitude self._rho[t_idx] = to_ret return to_ret
[docs] def record(self): """A recorder function to hold total and external reactivity """ t = self._timer.current_timestep() - 1 rec = {'t_idx': t, 'rho_tot': self._rho[t], 'rho_ext': self._rho_ext(t_idx=t).to('delta_k').magnitude } return rec
[docs] def metadata(self, component): """A recorder function to hold reactivity in each component """ timestep = self._timer.current_timestep() - 1 rec = {'t_idx': timestep, 'component':, 'rho': component.temp_reactivity(timestep)} return rec