Source code for pyrk.reactivity_insertion

from utilities.ur import units

[docs]class ReactivityInsertion(object): """This is the default reactivity insertion object class from whence all others are derived. The default is no external reactivity insertion:: rho = 0 __________________________________ t0 tf """ def __init__(self, timer): """ Creates a reactivity insertion object for driving the transient. :param timer: the timer object for the simulation :type timer: Timer """ self.timer = timer self.vals = [self.f(t_idx) for t_idx in range(timer.timesteps())]
[docs] def f(self, x): return 0*units.delta_k
[docs] def reactivity(self, t_idx): return self.vals[t_idx]
[docs]class StepReactivityInsertion(ReactivityInsertion): """ Returns a Heaviside step function:: rho_final _____________________ | | | | | | rho_init ______________| t_step """ def __init__(self, timer, t_step=1.0*units.seconds, rho_init=0.0*units.delta_k, rho_final=1.0*units.delta_k): """Returns a Heaviside step function as the reactivity insertion object for driving the transient. :param timer: the timer object for the simulation :type timer: Timer :param t_step: The time at which the step occurs :type t_step: float, seconds :param rho_init: Initial reactivity (before t_step) :type rho_init: float, units of delta_k :param rho_final: Final reactivity (after t_step) :type rho_final: float, units of delta_k """ self.rho_init ='delta_k') self.rho_final ='delta_k') self.t_step = t_step ReactivityInsertion.__init__(self, timer=timer)
[docs] def f(self, x): if x < self.timer.t_idx(self.t_step): return self.rho_init else: return self.rho_final
[docs]class ImpulseReactivityInsertion(ReactivityInsertion): """ Returns an impulse with a width:: rho_max ________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | rho_init ______________| |___________ t_start t_end """ def __init__(self, timer, t_start=1.0*units.seconds, t_end=2.0*units.seconds, rho_init=0.0*units.delta_k, rho_max=1.0*units.delta_k): self.t_start = t_start self.t_end = t_end self.rho_init = rho_init self.rho_max = rho_max ReactivityInsertion.__init__(self, timer=timer)
[docs] def f(self, x): if x < self.timer.t_idx(self.t_start): return self.rho_init elif x <= self.timer.t_idx(self.t_end): return self.rho_max else: return self.rho_init
[docs]class RampReactivityInsertion(ReactivityInsertion): """ Returns a ramp:: rho_rise /| / | / | / | rho_final / |__________ / / rho_init ______________/ t_start t_end """ def __init__(self, timer, t_start=1.0*units.seconds, t_end=2.0*units.seconds, rho_init=0.0*units.delta_k, rho_rise=1.0*units.delta_k, rho_final=1.0*units.delta_k): self.t_start = t_start self.t_end = t_end self.rho_init = rho_init self.rho_rise = rho_rise self.rho_final = rho_final ReactivityInsertion.__init__(self, timer=timer)
[docs] def f(self, x): if x < self.timer.t_idx(self.t_start): return self.rho_init elif x <= self.timer.t_idx(self.t_end): return self.rho_init + \ self.slope()*(x - self.timer.t_idx(self.t_start)) else: return self.rho_final
[docs] def slope(self): rise = self.rho_rise - self.rho_init run = self.timer.t_idx(self.t_end) - self.timer.t_idx(self.t_start) return rise/run