Source code for pyrk.th_component

import six
import numpy as np
from inp import validation
from utilities.ur import units
from timer import Timer
import math
from materials.material import Material
from convective_model import ConvectiveModel

[docs]class THComponent(object): """This class represents a component of the system it has material and geometric properties essential to thermal modeling and heat transfer in support of calculations related to the thermal hydraulics sub block """ def __init__(self, name=None, mat=Material(), vol=0.0*units.meter**3, T0=0.0*units.kelvin, alpha_temp=0*units.delta_k/units.kelvin, timer=Timer(), heatgen=False, power_tot=0*units.watt, sph=False, ri=0*units.meter, ro=0*units.meter): """Initalizes a thermal hydraulic component. A thermal-hydraulic component will be treated as one "lump" in the lumped capacitance model. :param name: The name of the component (i.e., "fuel" or "cool") :type name: str. :param mat: The material of this component :type mat: Material object :param vol: The volume of the component :type vol: float meter**3 :param T0: The initial temperature of the component :type T0: float. :param alpha_temp: temperature coefficient of reactivity :type alpha_temp: float :param timer: The timer instance for the sim :type timer: Timer object :param heatgen: is this component a heat generator (fuel) :type heatgen: bool :param power_tot: power generated in this component :type power_tot: float :param sph: is this component a spherical component, spherical equations for heatgen, conduction are different, post-processing is different too :type sph: bool :param ri: inner radius of the sph/annular component, ri=0 for sphere :type ri: float :param ro: outer radius of the sph/annular component, ro=radius for sphere :type ro: float """ = name self.vol ='meter**3') self.mat = mat self.k = mat.k self.cp = mat.cp = self.timer = timer self.T = units.Quantity(np.zeros(shape=(timer.timesteps(),), dtype=float), 'kelvin') self.T[0] = T0 self.T0 = T0 self.alpha_temp ='delta_k/kelvin') self.heatgen = heatgen self.power_tot = power_tot self.cond = {} self.conv = {} self.adv = {} self.mass = {} self.cust = {} self.prev_t_idx = 0 self.convBC = {} self.sph = sph self.ri ='meter') ='meter')
[docs] def mesh(self, size): '''cut a THComponent into a list of smaller components uniform meshing method, only implemented for spherical components :param size: size of uniform mesh element :type size: float with length unit :return: list of smaller components ''' if not self.sph: msg = 'mesh function only implemented for spherical component' raise TypeError(msg) if size > msg = 'mesh size can not be larger than the thickness of the shell' raise ValueError(msg) N = int(round(( to_ret = [] for i in range(0, N): ri = self.ri+i*size ro = self.ri+(i+1)*size vol = 4.0/3.0*math.pi*(ro**3-ri**3) power_tot = self.power_tot/self.vol*vol alpha_temp = self.alpha_temp/self.vol*vol to_ret.append(THComponent('%d' % i, mat=self.mat, vol=vol, T0=self.T0, alpha_temp=alpha_temp, timer=self.timer, heatgen=self.heatgen, power_tot=power_tot, sph=self.sph, ri=ri, ro=ro)) return to_ret
[docs] def temp(self, timestep): """The temperature of this component at the chosen timestep :param timestep: the timestep at which to query the temperature :type timestep: int :return: the temperature of the component at the chosen timestep :rtype: float, in units of kelvin """ validation.validate_ge("timestep", timestep, 0) validation.validate_le("timestep", timestep, self.timer.timesteps()) return self.T[timestep]
[docs] def rho(self, timestep): """The density of this component's materials :param timestep: the timestep at which to query the temperature :type timestep: int :return: the density of this component :rtype: float, in units of $kg/m^3$ """ ret = return ret
[docs] def update_temp(self, timestep, temp): """Updates the temperature :param timestep: the timestep at which to query the temperature :type timestep: int :param temp: the new temperature :type float: float, units of kelvin """ self.T[timestep] = temp self.prev_t_idx = timestep return self.T[timestep]
[docs] def dtemp(self, timestep): """calculate temperature difference between the given timestep and the timestep where feedback is turned on :param timestep: the timestep at which to query the tempareture :type timestep: int """ T0 = self.T[self.timer.t_idx_feedback] # timestep -1 because timestep hasn't been updated yet, is 0 return self.T[timestep-1]-T0
[docs] def temp_reactivity(self, timestep): '''calculate reactivity of a component from temperature feedback :param timestep: the timestep at which to calculate reactivity feedback :type timestep: int :param T0_timestep: the timestep at which the temperature is used as reference temperature :type T0_timestep: int ''' assert timestep > self.timer.t_idx_feedback, "timestep that feedback\ starts %f should be prior to the timestep %f for temp feedback\ calculation" % (self.timer.t_idx_feedback, timestep) return self.alpha_temp*self.dtemp(timestep)
[docs] def add_convection(self, env, h, area): '''add convection in the self.conv dictionary :param env: name of the component that heat is transfered to/from :type env: str :param h: heat transfer coefficient :type h: float :param area: heat transfer area :type area: float ''' if type(h) is not ConvectiveModel: h = ConvectiveModel(h0=h) self.conv[env] = { "h": h, "area": area }
[docs] def add_mass_trans(self, env, H, u): if type(H) is not ConvectiveModel: H = ConvectiveModel(h0=H) self.mass[env] = {"H": H, "u": u}
[docs] def add_custom(self, env, res): self.cust[env] = {"res":}
[docs] def addConvBC(self, env, prev_comp, h, R): '''add convective boundary condition :param env: name of the environment for convective heat transfer (the fluid) :type env: str :param prev_comp: name of the component that is immediately inside the boundary component :type prev_comp: str :param h: convective heat transfer coefficient :type h: float or obj of Convective Model :param R: radius of the sphere :type R: float ''' if type(h) is not ConvectiveModel: h = ConvectiveModel(h0=h) self.convBC[env] = { "h": h, "prev_comp": prev_comp, "R": R }
[docs] def add_conduction(self, env, area=0.0*units.meter**2, L=0.0*units.meter, r_b=0.0*units.meter, r_env=0.0*units.meter): '''Add parameters for conduction heat transfer calculation area and L are used for slab geometry r_b and r_env are used for spherical heat diffusion :param env: name of the component that this component conduct heat to :type env: str :param area: conduction surface for the slab :type area: float :param L: thickness of the slab :type L: float :param r_b: outer radius of the component :type r_b: float :param r_env: outer radius of the environment :type r_env: float ''' self.cond[env] = { "area":'meter**2'), "L":'meter'), "r_b":'meter'), "r_env":'meter') }
[docs] def add_advection(self, name, m_flow, t_in, cp): '''Add advection dictionary to the fluid component(coolant) that has advective heat tranfer :param m_flow: mass flow rate :type m_flow: float :param t_in: temperature at the inlet of the control volume :type t_in: float :param cp: specific heat capacity :type cp: float ''' self.adv[name] = { "m_flow":'kg/second'), "t_in":'kelvin'), "cp":'joule/kg/kelvin') }
[docs] def metadata(self): """A recorder function to fill the th/th_params table """ rec = {'component':, 'vol': self.vol.magnitude, 'matname':, 'k': self.k.magnitude, 'cp': self.cp.magnitude, 'T0': self.T0.magnitude, 'alpha_temp': self.alpha_temp.magnitude, 'heatgen': self.heatgen, 'power_tot': self.power_tot.magnitude } return rec
[docs] def record(self): """A recorder function to fill the th/th_timeseries table """ timestep = self.prev_t_idx rec = {'t_idx': timestep, 'component':, 'temp': self.temp(timestep).magnitude, 'density': self.rho(timestep).magnitude, 'k': self.k.magnitude, 'cp': self.cp.magnitude, 'alpha_temp': self.alpha_temp.magnitude, 'heatgen': self.heatgen, 'power_tot': self.power_tot.magnitude } return rec
[docs]class THSuperComponent(THComponent): '''A 'component' containing a list of component Creating a superComponent would automatically define conduction between the mesh elements''' def __init__(self, name, T0, sub_comp=[], timer=Timer()): """Initalizes a thermal hydraulic super component. :param name: The name of the supercomponent (i.e., "fuel" or "cool") :type name: str. :param T0: The initial temperature of the supercomponent :type T0: float. :param sub_comp: List of components that makes up the supercomponent. The sub_components should be in order from the center to the outside :type sub_comp: list of THComponent :param timer: The timer instance for the sim :type timer: Timer object """ THComponent.__init__(self, name=name, mat=Material(), vol=0.0*units.meter**3, T0=T0, alpha_temp=0*units.delta_k/units.kelvin, timer=timer, heatgen=False, power_tot=0*units.watt, sph=False, ri=0*units.meter, ro=0*units.meter) self.sub_comp = sub_comp self.T = units.Quantity(np.zeros(shape=(timer.timesteps(),), dtype=float), 'kelvin') self.T[0] = T0 self.conv = {} self.add_conduction_in_mesh() self.alpha_temp = 0.0*units.delta_k/units.kelvin
[docs] def compute_tr(self, t_env, t_innercomp, h): '''compute temperature at r=R for the sphere from the temperature at r=R-dr and the temperature of the env/fluid/coolant :param t_env: temperature of the component(env) that self tranfers heat with :type t_env: float :param t_innercomp: temperature of the component that is inside self :type t_innercomp: float ''' for envname, d in self.conv.iteritems(): #h = self.conv[envname]["h"].h(env.rho(t_env)).magnitude k = self.conv[envname]["k"].magnitude dr = self.conv[envname]["dr"].magnitude return (-h/k*t_env+t_innercomp/dr)/(1/dr-h/k)
[docs] def add_component(self, a_component): self.sub_comp.append(a_component)
[docs] def add_conv_bc(self, envname, h): '''add convective boundary condition to the supercomponent :param envname: the name of the component that self tranfer heat with :type envname: str :param h: convective heat transfer coefficient :type h: float ''' self.sub_comp[-2].addConvBC(envname, self.sub_comp[-1], h, (self.sub_comp)[-1].ro) self.conv[envname] = {'h': h, 'k': self.sub_comp[-1].k, 'dr': self.sub_comp[-1].ro-self.sub_comp[-1].ri }
[docs] def add_conduction_in_mesh(self): '''add conduction between the mesh elements ''' N = len(self.sub_comp) # element i=0: self.sub_comp[0].add_conduction( self.sub_comp[1].name) # element i=1:elementNb-3 for i in range(1, N-2): self.sub_comp[i].add_conduction( self.sub_comp[i - 1].name) self.sub_comp[i].add_conduction( self.sub_comp[i + 1].name) # element i=elementNb-2 self.sub_comp[N - 2].add_conduction( self.sub_comp[N - 3].name)