.. pyrk documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Mar 2 16:38:44 2015. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. PyRK ==== .. image:: images/logo.png :width: 25 % :alt: PyRK logo **PyRK** is a python package for nuclear reactor kinetics. It uses a point reactor kinetics model and provides an object oriented simulation environment intended for transient simulations for reactors. It should perk you right up, like a good cup of coffee. **PyRK** welcomes your contributions. It already relies on many libraries in the Scientific Python ecosystem including `numpy`_, `scipy`_, `pint`_, and `matplotlib`_. .. _numpy: http://numpy.org .. _scipy: http://scipy.org .. _pint: http://pint.readthedocs.org .. _matplotlib: http://matplotlib.org Documentation ------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 overview examples installing tutorial src/index Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. _GitHub project site: https://github.com/pyrk .. _github: https://github.com/pyrk/pyrk Citation -------- Up-to-date information about citing PyRK can be found within the `citation`_ file. .. _citation: https://github.com/pyrk/pyrk/blob/master/CITATION.md See also -------- - Katy Huff's `SciPy2015 talk`_ introducing PyRK to an interdisciplinary audience. - The associated `Scipy2015 slides`_ - The associated short `SciPy2015 paper`_ from the conference describing the software structure. - Xin Wang's `ICAPP paper`_ using PyRK for PBFHR analysis. .. _SciPy2015 talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HToG61wMWI .. _SciPy2015 slides: http://pyrk.github.io/scipy-2015 .. _SciPy2015 paper: http://conference.scipy.org/proceedings/scipy2015/kathryn_huff.html .. _ICAPP paper: http://icapp.ans.org Get in touch ------------ - Please report bugs, suggest feature ideas, and browse the source code `on GitHub`_. - There, new contributors can also find `a guide to contributing`_. - You can also contact Katy `on Twitter`_. .. _on GitHub: http://github.com/pyrk/pyrk .. _a guide to contributing: https://github.com/pyrk/pyrk/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md .. _on Twitter: http://twitter.com/katyhuff License ------- PyRK is available under the open source `BSD 3-clause License`__. __ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pyrk/pyrk/master/licenses/LICENSE History ------- PyRK was originally developed for analysis of accident transients in the Pebble-Bed, Fluoride-Salt-Cooled, High-Temperature Reactor (`PB-FHR`_) design. It was originally written by Kathryn Huff who is supported by the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium (`NSSC`_) as well as the `FHR Project`_ and the Berkeley Institute for Data Science (`BIDS`_) at Berkeley. Colleagues that contributed feedback in this endeavor include Xin Wang, Per Peterson, Ehud Greenspan, and Massimiliano Fratoni at the University of California Berkeley. .. _PB-FHR: http://fhr.nuc.berkeley.edu/pb-fhr-technology/ .. _NSSC: http://nssc.berkeley.edu/ .. _FHR Project: http://fhr.nuc.berkeley.edu/ .. _BIDS: http://bids.berkeley.edu/