pyrk.th_system module¶
(kappa, components)[source]¶ Bases:
This class models:
- lumped capacitance model for slab geometry
- 1-D heat diffusion in spherical geometry, for heat generation at any radius in the sphere,
- advective heat transfer by fluid
- convective heat transfer at the solid surface to fluid.
(component, t_idx)[source]¶ Volumetric conductive heat flux Qconduction from the center of a sphere to the first boundary (conduction without interface) in watts/meter**3
Parameters: :return : Qcondction :rtype:float, dimensionless
(component, t_idx, t_in, m_flow, cp)[source]¶ calculate heat transfer by advection in watts
Parameters: Returns: dimemsionless quantity of Qadvective
Return type:
(component, env, t_idx, L=<Quantity(0.0, 'meter')>, k=<Quantity(0.0, 'meter')>, A=<Quantity(0.0, 'meter ** 2')>)[source]¶ compute volumetric conductive heat transfer by conduction(watts/m3)
Parameters: Pram k: conductivity
Returns: Qond, dimemsionless quantity
Return type:
(component, env, t_idx, L, A)[source]¶ compute volumetric heat transfer by conduction(watts/m3)
Parameters: Returns: Qond, dimemsionless quantity
Return type:
(component, t_b, t_env, h, R)[source]¶ calculate heat transfer through convective boundray condition for the mesh element at the surface of the spherical Supercomponent (watts)
Parameters: Returns: dimensionless quantity of Qconv
Return type:
(t_b, t_env, h, A)[source]¶ heat transfer by convection(watts)
Parameters: - t_b (float.) – The temperature of the body
- t_env (float.) – The temperature of the environment
- h (float.) – the heat transfer coefficient between environment and body
- A (float.) – the surface area of heat transfer
(component, power, omegas, t_idx)[source]¶ compute the derivative dtemperature/dt
Parameters: Returns: value of dtemp/dt
Return type: float, kelvin/s
(component, power, omegas)[source]¶ calculate heat transfer by conduction(watts/m3)
Parameters: - component (str) – name of the component
- power – normalized nuclear power generated in the component
i.e.: power*power_tot = power (in watts) :type power: float
(t_b, t_inlet, H, u)[source]¶ Parameters: - t_b (float.) – The temperature of the body
- t_inlet – The temperature of the flow inlet