PyRK is a python package for nuclear reactor kinetics. It uses a point reactor kinetics model and provides an object oriented simulation environment intended for transient simulations for reactors. It should perk you right up, like a good cup of coffee.
PyRK welcomes your contributions. It already relies on many libraries in the Scientific Python ecosystem including numpy, scipy, pint, and matplotlib.
Indices and tables¶
See also¶
- Katy Huff’s SciPy2015 talk introducing PyRK to an interdisciplinary audience.
- The associated Scipy2015 slides
- The associated short SciPy2015 paper from the conference describing the software structure.
- Xin Wang’s ICAPP paper using PyRK for PBFHR analysis.
Get in touch¶
- Please report bugs, suggest feature ideas, and browse the source code on GitHub.
- There, new contributors can also find a guide to contributing.
- You can also contact Katy on Twitter.
PyRK is available under the open source BSD 3-clause License.
PyRK was originally developed for analysis of accident transients in the Pebble-Bed, Fluoride-Salt-Cooled, High-Temperature Reactor (PB-FHR) design. It was originally written by Kathryn Huff who is supported by the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium (NSSC) as well as the FHR Project and the Berkeley Institute for Data Science (BIDS) at Berkeley. Colleagues that contributed feedback in this endeavor include Xin Wang, Per Peterson, Ehud Greenspan, and Massimiliano Fratoni at the University of California Berkeley.